Executive Director/President of the Board of Directors of the National Domestic Workers Alliance
An accomplished worker and immigrant rights leader, Aquilina co-founded and is the Executive Director of the Pilipino Workers Center based in Southern California. She is President of the Pilipino Action Center, 501(c)4 sibling organization to the PWC.
She is a leader in the California Domestic Worker Coalition, which in 2013 won the historic AB 241 (Ammiano) - the Domestic Worker Bills of Rights.
And because that’s not enough, she is also President of the Board of Directors of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, whose sister organization Care in Action helped push record turnout in the 2021 Georgia Senate race.
Aqui and other advocates began organizing Pilipino workers in Los Angeles back in 1997. Today, the PWC is a national model, organizing for mutual aid, voter education, community education, and leadership development.