Check out the new book - Changemaker: An Insider's Guide to Getting Sh*t Done at the California Capitol

Have you ever given your most passionate, well rehearsed pitch for a bill during a lobby visit, only to find the lawmaker or staff barely listening? You look up to find them with eyes glazed over or worse checking their phone as you speak?

It’s happened to me and let’s just say I’ve left those meetings angry and deflated.

So what can advocates do to keep our audiences engaged and open?

In this week’s podcast, I'm thrilled to introduce you to groundbreaking communicator and behavioral change expert ⁠Christina Harbridge⁠. Christina is the founder of ⁠Allegory, Inc⁠. a behavioral leverage company, and has spent her career "nerding out on human behavior". She trains and coaches individuals, teams, and large groups to understand and leverage natural physiology when dealing with others.

A long time social justice advocate, she's served on the founding boards of Emerge America and The Bay Lights, and as a 20-year member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization; a chair of the Global Leadership Conference, and founding EO Global Communications Chair; a past board member for the San Francisco Rotary Club Christina graciously shares her deep expertise in the art and science of influence and persuasion. Buckle up because this discussion will challenge everything you thought you knew about communications in politics.

In this episode you'll learn:

2:43 - We are being taught to do things that are fake and don't work

4:37 - What is physiology and afference and why does it matter in politics?

8:10 - Rethinking our approach to storytelling

11:24 - How to get in "the zone" to perform at your best

16:04 - Be loyal to the outcome, not how you get there

19:30 - What makes a lobby visit go wrong

25:52 - Fake is not a strategy

30:14 - Why you need to embrace nuance

38:33 - You need to get out of your head


Learn more about ⁠Christina Harbridge⁠ at

Learn more about ⁠Allegory, Inc⁠. at

⁠Connect⁠ with Christina Harbridge at

Check out these books by Christina Harbridge:

"⁠Swayed: How to Communicate for Impact⁠" at Ranked #1 on Amazon for "Conflict" category.

"⁠Your Professionalism Is Killing You (How to Be a Better Communicator)⁠" at

"Afference" - New book forthcoming!


⁠⁠My Growth Marketer⁠⁠ is a unique integrated marketing firm with over 15 years of experience that helps you frame the narrative, influence decision-makers, and advance your policy agenda in Sacramento. Go to

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