Check out the new book - Changemaker: An Insider's Guide to Getting Sh*t Done at the California Capitol
Sept. 30, 2022

How to Organize Locally to Make Change in Sacramento with California Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-27)

How do you compel lawmakers to take the hard votes needed to pass bold worker's rights and climate action policies when they have Corporate America breathing down their necks? Last fall I had the honor to interview Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-27 - San Jose) during my advocacy webinar “All Politics…

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Aug. 27, 2022

5 Things You Need To Know When You Lobby the California Budget

Jennifer Kent, knower of all things health care policy in the state of California, takes time to share her valuable insight on how the state budget sausage gets made. Currently the CEO of the Kent Group, Jennifer Kent served under three different Governors, most recently as the Director of the…

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July 18, 2022

Two Sides of the Same Coin: Why Advocates Can't Afford to Ignore Political Action

There are few who can speak on California politics with as much authority as Bill Wong. As former Political Director for the California Assembly Democrats, Bill led efforts in 2018 and 2020 to build the largest Democratic “giga” majorities in the state Assembly in over a century. He served as…

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July 17, 2022

What You Didn't Learn About Politics In High School Civics with guest Jovan Agee

High school and, if we’re lucky, college may give us a basic understanding of how our democracy and government are supposed to work. ⁣ It completely fails, however, is teaching us how it works in real life. ⁣ You won’t understand politics until you understand power. ⁣ How it works.…

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June 30, 2022

How We Fight Back: California Congressional Races

How many times have you heard this? “I know federal elections are important, but I live in California - there’s nothing I can do!” Yes, California is as blue a state as they come. But the reality is pro-Trump extremists are active throughout the state and some of them are…

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June 20, 2022

How To Get People To Care What You Think with Guest Frank Mecca

Who are the most influential groups in Sacramento? We all know the traditional power players. Organizations that play big in electoral politics. Either they write big campaign checks, mobilize big voter turnout, or perhaps do both. Dig deeper, though, and you’ll see they aren’t the only ones at the Capitol…

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April 14, 2022

Everything you always wanted 2 know about California budget advocacy w guest Senator Sydney Kamlager

Lobbying is not “one size fits all”. As any savvy lobbyist will tell you, securing funding in the California budget is very different from working to get a policy bill signed. You must follow timelines and committees that are separate and distinct from the legislative process. All of this can…

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March 22, 2022

What advocates should know about running for the California Legislature with guest Kipp Mueller

In 2019, Kipp Mueller, a workers' and civil rights attorney, entered the race for California State Senate District 21, challenging incumbent and at the time Republican Senate Minority Leader Scott Wilk. Encompassing northern Los Angeles county and parts of the High Desert, SD 21 had been a Republican stronghold for…

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March 1, 2022

Why advocates need to know about the Gann limit with guest Scott Graves

The Gann limit hovers over the California capitol like an ominous cloud on an otherwise sunny day. Despite massive tax revenues and a discretionary budget surplus of $20.6 billion (with a strong potential to exceed this amount by $15 billion), the state must abide by an arbitrary spending cap adopted…

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Feb. 11, 2022

How to build political power from the ground up with guest Aquilina Soriano Versoza

No matter where you are in your advocacy journey, there is so much to learn from Aquilina Soriano Versoza. A seasoned and accomplished worker and immigrant rights advocate, Aqui co-founded and is now the Executive Director of the Pilipino Workers Center based in Southern California. She is President of the…

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Feb. 8, 2022

You have a once in a generation opportunity. Will you take it?

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Jan. 24, 2022

How we broaden the movement for workers' rights with guest Victor Narro

Is your legislation on the infamous Chamber of Commerce "job killer" list? Is your campaign facing stiff opposition from corporate America with its infinite resources? In a battle of David and Goliath, how can marginalized communities come out on top? Today I am honored to be joined by Victor Narro,…

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Jan. 11, 2022

$20.6 billion reasons why advocates should work the CA Budget process

Governor Newsom released his proposed state budget for FY 22-23 and it is something to behold. The state is estimating another year of historic budget surplus - $45.7 billion to be exact. Of that amount $20.6 billion is regarded as discretionary, meaning there are no strings attached. According to the…

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Jan. 6, 2022

How to break through the noise to make the greatest impact with guest Eduardo Martinez

Trying to break through the noise at the California Capitol to get your issue front and center? I get it. Been there. Done that. Today I talk with Eduardo Garcia, Legislative Director for the California Labor Federation, who shares valuable insight for advocates based on his years of experience as…

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Dec. 17, 2021

Beyond the Capitol: How to influence regulation in California with guest Jaime Schrabeck

Advocacy is not just about lobbying the Legislature or Governor's Office. Advocates should pay attention to the less known but highly impactful "rulemaking process". California agencies adopt, amend, and repeal regulations in order to "implement" the laws adopted by the Legislature. For small business owners, these regulations can have a…

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Nov. 28, 2021

How advocacy organizations can build their capacity to win - with guest Ludovic Blain

There is so much knowledge in my interview with Ludovic Blain I don't know where to start. Mr. Blain is the Executive Director of California Donor Table, a statewide community of donors who pool their funds to make investments in communities of color so they have the power and resources…

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Nov. 28, 2021

Clip from Podcast Interview with Ludovic Blain

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Nov. 23, 2021

How elections are actually rigged

Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act now! #gerrymander #gerrymandering #rigged #votingrights #johnlewisvotingrightsact

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Nov. 14, 2021

Raising your community's voice in Sacramento with Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-47)

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Nov. 8, 2021

How to build trust with Assemblymember Chad Mayes (I - 42)

Clip from our discussion - "How to build bipartisan support" watch full video here:

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Nov. 8, 2021

How to Build Bipartisan Support with Assemblymember Chad Mayes (I-42)

As any good lobbyist in Sacramento will tell you, at the end the day what matters is getting the 21/41 votes you need to move your bill. This has always been a significant challenge; in our era of toxic political polarization it's can be near impossible. That's why I'm excited…

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Oct. 28, 2021

How to become a more effective advocate with Special Guest Amy Everitt

I talk with Amy Everitt, President of Golden State Opportunity, a nonprofit that strives to end poverty and improve the lives of low-income workers in California. Amy shares with me the top 4 lessons she's learned in her more than two decades of advocacy, both in California and federally. We…

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Oct. 28, 2021

Don't let the perfect the enemy of the good

Clip from interview with Amy Everitt, President at Golden State Opportunity. From Blueprint for California Advocates podcast. Listen to the full interview -

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Oct. 15, 2021

"All Politics is Local": How young people can build political power - Full Webinar recorded 9/29/21

Ready to make positive change in your community? Communities that are well organized and connected to their local, state and federal representatives are better positioned to win the policies and resources they need to thrive. Special guest California Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-76) shares her valuable insight as an elected…

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