Check out the new book - Changemaker: An Insider's Guide to Getting Sh*t Done at the California Capitol
Oct. 8, 2021

"All Power is Local": Interview with California Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-76),

From 9/29/21 webinar hosted by Kristina Bas Hamilton from KBH Advocacy: “All Politics is Local”: How young people can build political power - with special guest California Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-76), representing north San Diego County. The Assemblymember is the Chair of the Select Committee on Sea Level Rise…

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Oct. 8, 2021

Don't hang back. Fight for the future you want.

More insight from California Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-78) from 9/29/21 Webinar "All Politics is Local": How young people can build political power

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Oct. 8, 2021

Don’t waste precious time when talking to legislators about your issues

Insight from California Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-78) from 9/29/21 Webinar "All Politics is Local": How young people can build political power

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Sept. 19, 2021

How to step into your power

Do you feel nervous and intimidated when you meet with VIPs? The next time you sit down to a meeting with the top brass, remember this: Chances are, they are just as intimidated by you as you are of them. Relax and step into your power. Subscribe for more valuable…

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Sept. 19, 2021

How to secure state budget funding

Do you want to win funding in the next California state budget for your legislative priorities? Now is the time to lobby the Administration to incorporate your funding request into the Governor's January budget proposal. If you succeed, your fight for funding next year will be significantly easier. Subscribe for…

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Sept. 15, 2021

How Communities Can Organize to Make Change in Sacramento with Ash Kalra (D-27) recorded 8/11/21

How do communities compel their representatives to take courageous votes to pass worker and climate-friendly policies - even when they have corporate interests in their ear? Last fall I had the honor to interview Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-27 - San Jose) during my advocacy webinar “All Politics is Local” How…

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Sept. 14, 2021

Want to build big political power but don't have big $$?

As we see with record turnout to defeat the #Recall, PEOPLE power is where it's at! Watch a clip from my interview with Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-27), Chair of the California Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment, where we discuss how advocacy groups without PAC $ can build political power…

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Sept. 13, 2021

Top Five California Politics Podcasts

Listening to podcasts is a great way to keep track of the mind bending number of issues under debate in the California #Legislature.You'll gain valuable insight about lawmakers and relevant stakeholders and learn a lot about the process itself. You may also glean little gems of inside information that will…

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Sept. 13, 2021

How liberal or conservative are your legislators in California?

Want a better understanding of the California Legislature? Check out this unique Legislator Tracker from CalMatters:

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Aug. 25, 2021

How to keep track of legislation

#California #Legislative #Advocacy

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Aug. 17, 2021

Don't scream into the Void. Make sure your phone calls to lawmakers are effective.

Here in #Sacramento, we're getting down to the wire. There are less than four weeks left to #California's legislative session. As bills reach their final committee and floor votes, hundreds of organizations are mobilizing their membership to contact their lawmakers to urge them to vote the right way. Want to…

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Aug. 15, 2021

"All Politics is Local": How Communities can Build Political Power

Frustrated that you just can't seem to gain traction in #Sacramento to move your legislative priorities forward? Tired of seeing your policy proposals sidelined time and again? Here's the thing. Even without big political spending, #advocacy organizations can organize at the local level to build significant political power and influence.…

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